Private Coaching

Where is Home is a private coaching program for people trying to figure out where to live when the possibilities are endless. It consists of four calls over approximately two months, some individual activities, and email support.


When you can choose anywhere in the world (more or less) to live, it’s both exhilarating and paralyzing. And no wonder: more than choosing a place, you’re identifying where you belong and who you are. That’s why I created this program. I’ve applied it to my own life and used it to help others.

Together, we’ll define:

If you’re asking this question and the answer isn’t straightforward, it’s likely because it falls into the camp of “hard decisions.” A hard decision defined as one in which more than one choice can be right, but for very different reasons. Also, hard decisions are hard because they feel like leaps of faith (”I suppose I have to move to NY to see if I like NY”) and because they’re really easy to second guess… (”was this the right choice? what about the alternative I didn’t pick?”).

I’ve designed a program to address those three challenges. The four-session coaching covers the first two and permitting, touches on the third:

How it works: